- Category:
- Date:2025年02月22日
Quick weight loss diets are popular due to the faster initial weight loss they can achieve and they are less harmful and more beneficial. You lose weight fast during the initial stages, due to the net loss of water weight since protein and carbohydrates both help hold water in body cells. Quick weight loss diets are just a temporary solution and do not help you to make permanent changes to your eating habits.
Does this mean that quick weight loss diets don't work? They do, but only when you understand the role that quick weight loss diets play in your overall lifestyle. The important thing before starting any diet regimen is to ask, "Can I do this for the rest of my life?" If the answer is no, then don't try the diet; it will only harm you in the long run if you start a yo-yo cycle of weight "loss-gain-loss" again and again.
I found that there are things in life that we would rather not bother God with: One should not ask God to take the calories out of the chocolate cake, right, because one can in fact choose not to eat the cake. Sure, there are other examples like these, but where do you draw the line? I think it best to just bring it all to God and let Him tell you which part is yours and which part should be left up to His almighty hands. So why not bring this dreaded weight loss plateau that has been chipping away at your soul to Him?
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